Recreation In Reach Golf How far is the green and where is the flag?

How far is the green and where is the flag?

Golf Course

When you are on the golf course have you ever wondered how far is the green? How far is the flag? Here a few tools to help you answer these questions.

Course Markers

Most courses have some sort of distance indicators to the middle of the green. The most basic is a bush or white pole about 150 yards out. The next level includes markers at 250, 200, 150, and 100 yards. These are usually in the middle of the fairway and sometimes marked on the cart path. The most advance markers are located a various places in the fairway indicate distance to the middle of the green. Sometimes these markers also include distances to the front and back of the green.


A dedicated golf gps device will give very accurate distances. Distance will include hazards as well as front, middle, and back of the green. The most basic versions are text only. The more advanced models include hole overview photos. They are available as watches or handle held devices.

Golf App

There are numerous golf apps that leverage the gps from your phone. Most of them are pretty accurate. They usually have a free version with some sort of up sell. The most important thing is battery usage. No one likes to end the round with a dead phone. Make sure you try before you buy. Some of the paid items are virtual reality for putting lines as well as hole over view with zoom capability. My personal favorite is showing the wind speed and direction along with distance adjustments which include elevation changes.


A range finder will give you exact distance to the pin. It is more accurate than gps. The downside is you need a direct line of sight to the pin. It also may not help with hazards such as creeks or ponds.