Recreation In Reach Hiking Tips to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail

Tips to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail

Appalachian Trail

Three buddies and I had done some weekend camping and some day hikes. Looking for a challenge we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail. Here are some tips from the 50 mile section I completed in Maine. It was a great adventure. Maybe someday I can hike the entire trail.


I didn’t know much about the Appalachian Trail, so I needed to do some research. After talking to a few people, they recommended A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail. This book was very helpful. The most amazing part was during the hike, I actually went through the same mental stages as the author while completing one section.

Go light

Weight is everything. Get a small food scale and weigh everything. I used a spreadsheet to track the weight of each item from my packing list the total weight. My goal was to get my pack down to about 30 pounds. I spent several evening weighing various items. It took a few trips to the store to get a new knife, headlamp and some new clothes. When you are carrying everything on your back. Every ounce matters.


I used a Mountiansmith Antero backpack with an internal frame. I don’t think they make that model anymore. The pack must be large enough to hold your gear and have places to attach things you want easily accessible. I used carabiners to quickly attach and detach items. I would highly suggest a waist strap to keep the weight on your hips and legs to give your back and shoulders a break.


It is important to stay hydrated. There are plenty of water sources along the trail. You should purify the water. Each leg of the journey requires planning water stops. The purification process can leave a little after taste in the water. To improve the taste, I would add a little bit of crystal light powder to each bottle for drinking.


Everything you eat must be brought with you. We used dehydrated meals for breakfast and dinner. Lunches were energy bars so we could eat on the move. My favorite meal was the Mountain House Chili Mac with Beef. Gorp makes a good snack along the trail.

Beware of Bears

Bring a bear sack and some rope. It is important to suspend your food high in the air to keep it away from the bears. Do not sleep with your food! If you do, you’ll find lots a visitors in the night looking for a bite to eat.

Treat Your Feet

Walking around 10 miles a day, up and down mountains, over uneven ground, and carrying 30 pounds of gear can put some pressure on your feet. Get a good pair of hiking boots. It is important to have ankle support when walking over uneven ground. I used two pair of socks to help prevent blisters. A thin sock under a wool sock kept my feet blister free.

Enjoy Yourself

Enjoy the beauty. I took a lot of pictures. It is a good time take a break from technology and be alone with your thoughts. We had some great conversations in the evenings over a campfire.