Recreation In Reach Golf Tips to play golf in the cold weather

Tips to play golf in the cold weather

Frosty Golf Ball

Late fall, winter, and early spring will shorten the golf season when temperatures drop into the 40’s. Sometimes it is not the temperature that is the problem, it is the windchill. My weather app calls it the “feels like” temperature. Cold is not so much a problem on the first couple of holes, but completing all 18 can be challenging when the temperature drops. Here are a few tips based on trial an error over the last few years.

Dress in layers

These can be added or subtracted as the round progresses. Most of the time an early morning tee time will have me in 3 to 4 layers. However, when finishing the round, I’ll be down to 1 or 2 as the temperature warms up.

Bring a wind breaker

It is important to have something to block the wind. This is really a game changer when trying to stay warm and lose.

Get a good pair of winter golf gloves

Winter gloves will do wonders to keep your hands warm and help you grip the club. A second par is helpful if you get any rain during the round. Nothing is worse than cold wet hands.

Purchase a golf cart cover

A golf cart cover can easily be placed over the golf cart. It only takes a minute or two to secure it on the cart. Zip and unzip the doors to get in and out of the cart. It does wonders to keep you warm traveling to your ball or between holes. My only problem with the cover is that it is difficult to see the ball through the wrinkly plastic windows. I’m still searching for a cover that provides a good clear view.

Add a propane heater to your cart

The propane heater will fit in the cup holder. The tank will usually last close to two rounds. You should always bring a spare tank. The best heaters are adjustable. No matter which kind you get, make sure you do not touch the heater with your golf gloves. You can burn your hand or ruin your golf gloves.

User Softer Balls

Softer balls are better to use in the cold weather. It gets harder to compress the harder balls in the cold weather and can feel like hitting a rock.